
Friday, June 14, 2024

Impact of Titles on Your Executive Career — Negotiating Job Titles and More!

 On Thursday May 23, 2024, CEOWORLD magazine published an article I wrote titled, “Impact of Titles on Your Executive Career — Negotiating Job Titles and more!”

The new article is designed for C-level and senior executives and those executives who aspire to the C-suite. This article discusses how selecting and negotiating for the right job title can be important for your career, including how job titles can impact you professionally, in the following ways:

  • Perceived Status and Influence: Your job title reflects your level of authority and influence, and can position you as a decision-maker and strategic leader.
  • Career Trajectory and Succession Planning: Consistent, relevant titles will enhance your upward mobility, enhancing your chances for a future top role
  • Market Perception and Recruitment: Job titles affect perception of your experience and expertise. Recruiters perform online searches for relevant job titles. The right job title may merit a deeper dive into your credentials.
  • Executive Compensation and Equity: Titles often correlate with compensation packages. and enhanced equity opportunities.
  • External Reputation and Networking: A prestigious title opens doors. This can include invites to industry events, panels and media coverage. This added visibility enhances your reputation and expands your network.

My article then moves on to recommend from past experience strategies to aid you in negotiations over job title and authority within the company.

While my focus in this article, is on your executive job title, at the end of the article, two other areas are also mentioned: executive consulting, and titles in contracts, where titles in those areas too have also been proven important to executives.

female executive at work

To see my full CEOWORLD magazine. article, go to LINK:

Or on my website at

This was my 46th article published in CEOWORLD since 2016. Previously, the editor advised that I can use “Featured in the CEOWORLD magazine” and the CEOWORLD “Logo” on my website and add CEOWORLD magazine in my LinkedIn profile’s “Experience Section” as an “Opinion Columnist.” and authority in the field.

On its own initiative, CEOWORLDmagazine created on their website a library of Robert Adelson published articles. You can peruse this library and/or read as many of my 46 published articles as you wish. See

With more than 12.4+ million-page views, CEOWORLD magazine is the world’s leading business magazine written strictly for CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, senior management executives, business leaders, and high net worth individuals worldwide.

Tweeting or X-ing My New CEOWorld article on “Impact of Titles on Your Executive Career — Negotiating Job Titles and more!”

If you tweet or X and would like to tweet or X my article, here are my six (6) tweets to retweet one or more or to use in your own tweet or x –

5/23/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #CLevel #executives #VPs and other #Seniorexecutives and those aspiring for #CSuite #positions on the #Impact of #Titles on Your #ExecutiveCareer — #Negotiating #JobTitles and more! via @CEOWORLD magazine

5/23/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #CLevel and #Seniorexecutives and those aspiring for #CSuite on #Impact of your #JobTitle for #levelofauthority & #influence to #positionyou as a #decisionmaker & #strategicleader via @CEOWORLD magazine

5/23/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #CLevel #Seniorexecutives & those #aspiring for #CSuite on #Impact of #JobTitle on your #CareerTrajectory to #enhance your #upwardmobility & chances for your #succession to #toprole via @CEOWORLD magazine

5/23/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #CLevel #Seniorexecutives on #Impact of #JobTitle on #MarketPerception & #Recruiters who perform #onlinesearches for #relevantjobtitles to so merit #deeperdive into #yourcredentials via @CEOWORLD magazine

5/23/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #CLevel #Seniorexecutives on #Impact of #JobTitle for enhanced #ExecutiveCompensation & #Equity plus #openingdoors to #industryevents #panels #mediacoverage to build your #reputation via @CEOWORLD magazine

5/23/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #CLevel #Seniorexecutives on #Impact of #Title on Your #ExecutiveCareer including #changing #contracttitle from #separationandrelease to #transitionagreement prevented #disparagement via @CEOWORLD magazine

It is my hope this new article will bring greater awareness among C-level, VPs and other senior executives of the importance of titles and negotiating for the right title to enhance your career.

If you or any colleague of yours has a need in this area, please do reach out to me — or call 617–875–8665.

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