
Friday, June 14, 2024

Impact of Titles on Your Executive Career — Negotiating Job Titles and More!

 On Thursday May 23, 2024, CEOWORLD magazine published an article I wrote titled, “Impact of Titles on Your Executive Career — Negotiating Job Titles and more!”

The new article is designed for C-level and senior executives and those executives who aspire to the C-suite. This article discusses how selecting and negotiating for the right job title can be important for your career, including how job titles can impact you professionally, in the following ways:

  • Perceived Status and Influence: Your job title reflects your level of authority and influence, and can position you as a decision-maker and strategic leader.
  • Career Trajectory and Succession Planning: Consistent, relevant titles will enhance your upward mobility, enhancing your chances for a future top role
  • Market Perception and Recruitment: Job titles affect perception of your experience and expertise. Recruiters perform online searches for relevant job titles. The right job title may merit a deeper dive into your credentials.
  • Executive Compensation and Equity: Titles often correlate with compensation packages. and enhanced equity opportunities.
  • External Reputation and Networking: A prestigious title opens doors. This can include invites to industry events, panels and media coverage. This added visibility enhances your reputation and expands your network.

My article then moves on to recommend from past experience strategies to aid you in negotiations over job title and authority within the company.

While my focus in this article, is on your executive job title, at the end of the article, two other areas are also mentioned: executive consulting, and titles in contracts, where titles in those areas too have also been proven important to executives.

female executive at work

To see my full CEOWORLD magazine. article, go to LINK:

Or on my website at

This was my 46th article published in CEOWORLD since 2016. Previously, the editor advised that I can use “Featured in the CEOWORLD magazine” and the CEOWORLD “Logo” on my website and add CEOWORLD magazine in my LinkedIn profile’s “Experience Section” as an “Opinion Columnist.” and authority in the field.

On its own initiative, CEOWORLDmagazine created on their website a library of Robert Adelson published articles. You can peruse this library and/or read as many of my 46 published articles as you wish. See

With more than 12.4+ million-page views, CEOWORLD magazine is the world’s leading business magazine written strictly for CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, senior management executives, business leaders, and high net worth individuals worldwide.

Tweeting or X-ing My New CEOWorld article on “Impact of Titles on Your Executive Career — Negotiating Job Titles and more!”

If you tweet or X and would like to tweet or X my article, here are my six (6) tweets to retweet one or more or to use in your own tweet or x –

5/23/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #CLevel #executives #VPs and other #Seniorexecutives and those aspiring for #CSuite #positions on the #Impact of #Titles on Your #ExecutiveCareer — #Negotiating #JobTitles and more! via @CEOWORLD magazine

5/23/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #CLevel and #Seniorexecutives and those aspiring for #CSuite on #Impact of your #JobTitle for #levelofauthority & #influence to #positionyou as a #decisionmaker & #strategicleader via @CEOWORLD magazine

5/23/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #CLevel #Seniorexecutives & those #aspiring for #CSuite on #Impact of #JobTitle on your #CareerTrajectory to #enhance your #upwardmobility & chances for your #succession to #toprole via @CEOWORLD magazine

5/23/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #CLevel #Seniorexecutives on #Impact of #JobTitle on #MarketPerception & #Recruiters who perform #onlinesearches for #relevantjobtitles to so merit #deeperdive into #yourcredentials via @CEOWORLD magazine

5/23/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #CLevel #Seniorexecutives on #Impact of #JobTitle for enhanced #ExecutiveCompensation & #Equity plus #openingdoors to #industryevents #panels #mediacoverage to build your #reputation via @CEOWORLD magazine

5/23/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #CLevel #Seniorexecutives on #Impact of #Title on Your #ExecutiveCareer including #changing #contracttitle from #separationandrelease to #transitionagreement prevented #disparagement via @CEOWORLD magazine

It is my hope this new article will bring greater awareness among C-level, VPs and other senior executives of the importance of titles and negotiating for the right title to enhance your career.

If you or any colleague of yours has a need in this area, please do reach out to me — or call 617–875–8665.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Fighting the Double Trigger as Free Labor vs Slavery II: Negotiating with a Public Company Change of Control Acceleration Terms

 On Tuesday April 30, 2024, CEOWorld magazine published an article I wrote titled, “Fighting the Double Trigger as Free Labor vs Slavery II: Negotiating with a Public Company Change of Control Acceleration Terms.”

The new article is designed for public company CEOs and C-level executives, or those senior executives who may be negotiating terms to become a public company C-level executive, where in either case an acquisition and equity acceleration on change of control is part of the considerations in those job offer negotiations.

On September 15, 2023, CEOWORLD published my article “Fighting the Double Trigger as free labor vs slavery: How to negotiate your own Change of Control acceleration terms.” Since that time, I have represented a number of CEO and C-level executive clients where this issue has been an important executive compensation consideration.

Special resistance has arisen with regard to public company executives. In the case of one public company CEO client of mine, we were told by the national law firm representing the public company, that the single trigger is just not done by public companies. The major law firm told my CEO and the company’s Board Compensation Committee that using the single trigger just doesn’t happen in public companies. We were told their rejection of the single trigger was rooted in universal practice of public companies and also for a host of practical reasons.

Yet, despite this initial flat-out rejection of the single trigger, we persevered. In the course of my representation, I rebutted each of the big law firm’s arguments made for the double trigger and was able to offer numerous examples of public companies that, in fact, had used the single trigger. In the end, my arguments and the precedents I offered, proved to be persuasive. My client CEO succeeded in convincing the Board Compensation Committee to go against corporate counsel and accept the terms I drafted in my client’s revised CEO Employment Agreement for a single trigger acceleration in the event of a change of control in that public company.

C-suite executive at a public company

In my new CEOWORLD article published last week, I share my arguments and some of the precedents I offered to successfully achieve single trigger acceleration terms for my public company CEO client.

As with my September 15 article, I concluded with the words of Abraham Lincoln in his 7th and final debate with Stephen A. Douglas:

It is the eternal struggle between these two principles — right and wrong — throughout the world. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time; and will ever continue to struggle. The one is the common right of humanity and the other the divine right of kings. It is the same principle in whatever shape it develops itself. It is the same spirit that says, “You work and toil and earn bread, and I’ll eat it.” No matter in what shape it comes, whether from the mouth of a king who seeks to bestride the people of his own nation and live by the fruit of their labor, or from one race of men as an apology for enslaving another race, it is the same tyrannical principle. “

Abraham Lincoln, at Alton, Illinois, October 15, 1858

Certainly, I am not saying that you, as CEO, are an enslaved person. You are not. However, when I view the Double Trigger, and see you work, and struggle and earn a liquidity event and investors “eat it” — that is, the investors alone reap the benefits of your labor, then I suggest Lincoln would still label this practice as the “theft of labor.”

My hope here, is that this article might be of benefit to other public company CEOs and C-level executives in similar circumstances.

To see my full CEOWORLD magazine. article, go to LINK:

Or on my website at

This was my 45th article published in CEOWORLD since 2016. Previously, the editor advised that I can use “Featured in the CEOWORLD magazine” and the CEOWORLD “Logo” on my website and add CEOWORLD magazine in my LinkedIn profile’s “Experience Section” as an “Opinion Columnist.” and authority in the field.

On its own initiative, CEOWORLD magazine created on their website a library of Robert Adelson published articles. You can peruse this library and/or read as many of my 44 published articles as you wish. See

With more than 12.4+ million-page views, CEOWORLD magazine is the world’s leading business magazine written strictly for CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, senior management executives, business leaders, and high net worth individuals worldwide.

Tweeting or X-ing My New CEOWorld article on “Fighting the Double Trigger as Free Labor vs Slavery II: Negotiating with a Public Company Change of Control Acceleration Terms.”

If you tweet or X and would like to tweet or X my article, here are my five (5) tweets to retweet one or more or to use in your own tweet or x –

4/30/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #CEOs #CLevel and #Seniorexecutives on Fighting the #DoubleTrigger as #freelabor vs #slavery: In #publiccompany gaining #singletrigger #acceleration on closing of a #ChangeofControl via @CEOWORLD magazine

4/30/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #publiccompany #CEOs & #Seniorexecutives on Fighting #DoubleTrigger so #ChangeofControl #acceleration #triggered on #dealclosing so you can #pursue & start other #careeropportunities via @CEOWORLD magazine

4/30/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for each #publiccompany #CEO on Fighting the #DoubleTrigger as #freelabor v #slavery with #ChangeofControl #acceleration #triggered on #dealclosing so u can freely assess any #retention via @CEOWORLD magazine

4/30/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #publiccompany #CLevelexecutives on Fighting #DoubleTrigger so your #ChangeofControl #acceleration #triggered on #dealclosing same time as #investorpayout &no more #serviceconditions via @CEOWORLD magazine

4/30/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for each #publiccompanyCEO on Fighting the #DoubleTrigger as #freelabor vs #slavery with #ChangeofControl #acceleration #triggered on #dealclosing & no #investorpremium from your lockup via @CEOWORLD magazine

If you or any colleague of yours has a need in this area, please do reach out to me — or call 617–875–8665.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Interim CEO Contract and Compensation: Advice for Executives Considering Transitional C-level Roles

One week ago , on Wednesday March 27, 2024, the executive career advancement website IvyExec published an article I wrote,  “Interim CEO Contract and Compensation: Advice for Executives Considering Transitional C-level Roles”.   

This article was designed for CEOs and other senior executives, who have been offered, are seeking or are now considering taking Interim CEO or transitional C-level positions.

The Interim CEO or other C-level transitional role may be one of the following:

  • company insider from the Board or current executive suite or a current consultant to the Company, as Interim CEO or C-level transitional officer, chosen in part for familiarity with the company and essentially to  be a placeholder until the new CEO can take up his or her duties
  • executive outside the company recruited to fill that role, someone with a name in the field to maintain the position of the company in the eyes of analysts and investors until the search for a new CEO is completed and the replacement installed
  • an executive hired or recruited not just as a placeholder but as a true Turnaround CEO or C-level officer,  who is being brought in to “right the ship” when a company is in turmoil, unprofitable or otherwise not performing to the desired level.

This article discusses the different roles each would play as Interim CEO or Turnaround CEO and the different terms each should seek in employment, compensationseverance,  equity, disclosure and indemnification from the company that needs their services.

To see my full article, go to LINK:

or my website, go to LINK:

IvyExec hosts articles and webinars from experts in the career, leadership, and business spaces who wish to share their knowledge with our audience. In April 2021, I was invited to write for IvyExec since it seeks original content on the topics of career development, leadership, and business strategy as it applies to senior-level and C-Suite professionals. IvyExec blog posts and webinars are shared with its community of more than 2 million members on its website, in its newsletter, and on its social media channels.
IvyExec claims a “Community of 2.5M+ Leaders”.  See also –

It is my hope this article will be helpful to CEOs, C-level and  senior executives who are seeking or considering taking an interim, turnaround or other transitional position with your current company or a new company.  If you or any colleague of yours has a need in this area, please do reach out to me at or call me @ 617-875-8665.

Monday, March 11, 2024

4 Reasons to Seek Executive Employment Advice Even Before You Receive a CEO Job Offer

 Two weeks ago, on Wednesday February 21, 2024, CEOWorld magazine published an article I wrote titled, “4 Reasons to Seek Executive Employment Advice Even Before You Receive a CEO Job Offer.”

The new article is designed for CEOs and C-level executives, or those not there yet but aspiring and, as an aspirant, seeking your first CEO position or your first position in the C-suite.

So, if you are in that position, have you ever considered bringing in the expert to assist you even before you have that job offer?  

This new article discusses four reasons why it may be advisable to engage the services of the expert, the executive employment attorney, earlier – that is, even before you get that job offer.  Reasons include the following areas where pre-job offer counseling may provide important benefits to you:

  • Enhancing Your Attraction as a Job Candidate
  • Guarding Against Missteps and Preserving Negotiation Leverage
  • Providing an Independent Sounding Board
  • Ending the Job Negotiations When the Fit Is Not Right

To see my full CEOWORLD magazine. article, go to LINK:

Or on my website at

This was my 44th  article published in CEOWORLD since 2016.  Previously, the editor advised that I can use “Featured in the CEOWORLD magazine” and the CEOWORLD “Logo” on my website and add CEOWORLD magazine in my LinkedIn profile’s “Experience Section” as an “Opinion Columnist.” and authority in the field.  

On its own initiative, CEOWORLD magazine created on their website a library of Robert Adelson published articles.   You can peruse this library and/or read as many of my 44 published articles as you wish.  See

With more than 12.4+ million-page views, CEOWORLD magazine is the world’s leading business magazine written strictly for CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, senior management executives, business leaders, and high net worth individuals worldwide.

Tweeting or X-ing My new CEOWorld article on “4 Reasons to Seek Executive Employment Advice Even Before You Receive a CEO Job Offer”

If you tweet or X and would like to tweet or X my article, here are my five (5) tweets to retweet one or more or to use in your own tweet or x –

2/21/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #CEOs #CLevel and #Seniorexecutives and #Aspirants to top of the #corporateladder on “4 Reasons to Seek #ExecutiveEmploymentAdvice Even BEFORE You Receive a CEO or #Clevel #JobOffer “ via @CEOWORLD magazine

2/21/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #CEOs #CLevel & #Seniorexecutives & #ClevelAspirants on Seeking #ExecutiveEmploymentAdvice Early to Enhance Your Attraction as #JobCandidate via @CEOWORLD magazine

2/21/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #CEOs #CLevel & #Seniorexecutives and #ClevelJobAspirants to seek #ExecutiveEmploymentAdvice even BEFORE You get your #JobOffer to #AvoidMissteps & Preserve Your #BargainingLeverage via @CEOWORLD magazine

2/21/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #CEOs #CLevel & #Seniorexecutives and #ClevelJobAspirants to seek #ExecutiveEmploymentAdvice even BEFORE #JobOffer to Give You an Independent #SoundingBoard in your early discussions via @CEOWORLD magazine

2/21/24 article @ceoworld by @attorneyadelson for #CEOs #CLevel & #Seniorexecutives and #ClevelJobAspirants to seek #ExecutiveEmploymentAdvice even BEFORE #JobOffer to advise u on whether and how to end Job talks if Fit Not Right 4u via @CEOWORLD magazine

It is my hope that this article will be of benefit to CEOs, C-level and senior executives and those who aspire to the top levels of the corporate ladder, by pointing to some of the important advantages that can be offered by your obtaining executive employment counseling, even before you receive that job offer you are hoping for.  If you or any colleague of yours has a need in this area, please do reach out to me – or call 617-875-8665.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Can Executives Get Severance Pay When They Resign?

Three weeks ago, on Friday January 19, 2024, the executive career advancement website IvyExec published an article I wrote,  “Can Executives Get Severance Pay When They Resign?”.   

This article was designed for C-level and senior executives who have achieved a level of success and who for reasons beyond their control want to quit their current position and ought to be able to get appropriate executive severance compensation in connection with their separation.

My article takes up each of these important topics:

  • Circumstances when you want to quit
  • Issues governing severance when you quit your position
  • Key contract terms:  Termination for Good Reason in your Executive Job Offer
  • Circumstances of Constructive Discharge
  • Severance rights and compensation to seek for in Constructive Discharge
  • Getting what you deserve if you terminate your position

To see my full article, go to LINK:

or my website, go to LINK:

IvyExec hosts articles and webinars from experts in the career, leadership, and business spaces who wish to share their knowledge with our audience. In April 2021, I was invited to write for IvyExec since it seeks original content on the topics of career development, leadership, and business strategy as it applies to senior-level and C-Suite professionals. IvyExec blog posts and webinars are shared with its community of more than 2 million members on its website, in its newsletter, and on its social media channels.
IvyExec claims a “Community of 2.5M+ Leaders”.  See also –

It is my hope this article will be helpful to senior executives who are considering quitting their current position or feel they are now being forced out, and deserve severance and the change to start anew while keeping their careers on the upward trajectory.  If you or any colleague of yours has a need in this area, please do reach out to me at or call me @ 617-875-8665.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Starting an Executive Consulting Business During Your Transition

 Three weeks ago, on Thursday December 21, 2023, the executive career advancement website IvyExec published an article I wrote on “Starting an Executive Consulting Business during your Transition”.   

executive consultants

This article was designed for senior executives who have achieved a level of success and now find themselves in transition, that is, between executive positions, and might want to consider doing some consulting before accepting the next full-time job offer.

My article discusses the advantages that providing executive consulting services can offer to senior executives between positions, including the following:

  • Adding to your knowledge, experience and skill set,
  • Aiding and encouraging you to stay current in your field,
  • Expanding deal flow for new CEO and senior executive positions and business opportunities,
  • Lengthening your financial runway with money coming in so you don’t have to take the first position offered,
  • Enhancing your bargaining position when you find a position you like.

The second part of my article offers three suggested steps to begin and develop a consultancy if you do want to give it a try.  The first of those steps discusses how low cost it is to begin consulting, and suggests formation of a protective and also efficient business entity for this purpose.

The article concludes with advice that retaining your consulting business can continue side by side with a new fulltime position once your transition is completed.   The suggestion I make to you is that if you do develop a consultancy you may want to keep it around to retain the business you created and to potentially return to it for future transitions and as a potential source for new opportunities you might consider to continue to advance your career.

To see my full article, go to LINK:

or my website, go to LINK:

IvyExec hosts articles and webinars from experts in the career, leadership, and business spaces who wish to share their knowledge with our audience. In April 2021, I was invited to write for IvyExec since it seeks original content on the topics of career development, leadership, and business strategy as it applies to senior-level and C-Suite professionals. IvyExec blog posts and webinars are shared with its community of more than 2 million members on its website, in its newsletter, and on its social media channels.
IvyExec claims a “Community of 2.5M+ Leaders”.

See also –

It is my hope that this article will be helpful to senior executives who are in between full-time permanent positions and might want to giving consulting a try during that interim period.  If you or any colleague of yours has a need in this area, please do reach out to me, your executive employment lawyer, at 617-875-8665 or

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Key Terms to Negotiate in Your Next Executive Job Offer

Two weeks ago, on Wednesday October 25, 2023, the executive career advancement website IvyExec published an article I wrote on “Key Terms to Negotiate in your next Executive Job Offer”.

When you receive a job offer letter, how do you evaluate it? Do you accept the terms “as is” or do you negotiate? You do a great job negotiating deals for your company but do you always do as well when representing yourself?

This article explores the situations in which you negotiate the employment job offer, the terms you should focus on and their ramifications, and how an executive employment agreement attorney can help you.

Often CEO and senior executive recruits have considerable bargaining power. The employer wants and needs you. You may never be in a better position to negotiate further than you are at the moment of the job offer.

Assuming you get the salary and target bonus you are looking, there is still an awful lot on the table. Many of these items may be far more important than salary, including these key items fully discussed in my article:
Even if this is your only job offer, one at you must take, these terms are just too important to accept them “as is” without at least some effort to structure terms that don’t change the essential deal but still offer you important protections.

Sometimes just a word here or there, or an extra clause added by a skilled attorney can make an enormous change for you in realizing the benefit of your bargain or enabling you to leave a difficult situation you did not anticipate.

To see my full article, go to LINK:

or my website, go to LINK:

IvyExec hosts articles and webinars from experts in the career, leadership, and business spaces who wish to share their knowledge with our audience. In April 2021, I was invited to write for IvyExec since it seeks original content on the topics of career development, leadership, and business strategy as it applies to senior-level and C-Suite professionals. IvyExec blog posts and webinars are shared with its community of more than 2 million members on its website, in its newsletter, and on its social media channels.

IvyExec claims a “Community of 2.5M+ Leaders”.

See also —

If you or one of your colleagues is a CEO or senior executive who has received or expects to receive a new job offer, I am glad to assist. Please do reach out to me at 617–875–8665 or